Message in a Bottle Theme

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thank GOODNESS it's Friday!

Yesterday I went grocery shopping at a Stop & Shop after work.  I haven't set foot in one since we moved away from Rhode Island innnnn.... ohhhh 1997?  Yeah, can I tell you, I'm a little too excited to grocery shop now because of how COOL their setup is?...  They have this (I don't know how new it is) amazing system that operates using your Stop & Shop savings card that you scan at the station when you enter, take some shopping bags (or use your recyclable bags), and a barcode scanner!!!  You walk around the store doing your shopping and as you select an item, scan it, and then put it in your bags.  When you're done shopping, you can either go to the self-check out counters or a regular cashier and then scan the "Order Done" barcode and your entire transaction will show up on the computer, you pay, and then you're done!!!  I'm going to be slightly obssessed with this if you can't tell already...  I have a fetish for new technology... I mean this is right up there with the iPhone for me! 

Wellll I crashed early last night because this heat is just so draining.... That meant I was up early this morning... 6am... That number is usually a foreign language to my body because I think it is an evil time of morning to have to be up! So, I actually got up and started prepping myself for the long day ahead... Off to work and then I'm pickin' up the Cartwright kids in Maine after that.  Then it'll be slumber party time for the weekend before the Pig Roast!!!

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